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HikingMountains in Nagano

【Selected North Alps】You can climb the North Alps in a day trip! Here are some recommended places to climb in the North Alps!

The Northern Alps are known for their beautiful scenery and diverse climbing routes, but there are also plenty of day-trip spots that busy people can enjoy. This article presents a selection of recommended day-trip accessible climbing spots in the Northern Alps that can be enjoyed by both beginners and advanced climbers. We provide the best information for those who want to enjoy easy mountain climbing while refreshing themselves in nature.

【Mt.Jonendake】Take a day trip to climb Mt.Jonen! A symbol of Azumino, Mt.Jonen!

Mt. Jōnen is a 2,857-meter-high pyramid-shaped mountain in the Jōnen Mountains in the southern part of the Northern Alps. It is also one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan, and in the alpine zone beyond the forest limit, there are even grouse. From the summit, you can view the Yari-Hotaka mountain range, and if you follow the ridge to the south, you can reach Mt.Chōga! Chōgatake can also be reached by following the ridge line to the south!

Climbing Route Introduction

▼ Date of climb.  
Early October 2023

▼ Climbing level
★★★★★ For beginner to intermediate climbers with experience

▼ Climbing Schedule
Climbing time 8 hours (2 hours rest)

05:30 Ichinosawa parking lot
05:40 Ichinosawa trailhead
08:00 jonen hut
09:00 Mt.
11:20 Jyonen Hut
11:20 Jyonen Hut
11:40 Start of descent
13:30 Ichinosawa trailhead

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Please visit → Hiking Bear


The parking lot was just barely empty when we arrived at 5:00 a.m. It is safe to arrive at 4:30 a.m., but we recommend that you arrive by 5:00 a.m. at the latest.
・It is colder than you think in early October, so bring a little extra jacket.
・The food at the Tokonen Hut looked very good, so please stop by.

Recommended Climbing Season

It is from late May to late October. Fresh greenery is very beautiful during the summer season. It is also a popular climbing spot for autumn foliage.

Points of Interest

The panorama of the famous mountains of the Northern Alps, including the Yari-Hotaka mountain range, Norikura-dake, Ontake-dake, Mt!

The beautiful ridge line leading to the summit of Mt!

You can enjoy the spectacular view and food at Jouen Hut! Please stay at the hut as well!

Mountain Climbing Experience

Early October was supposed to be the best season to see the autumn leaves in full bloom in a normal year, but in 2023, the weather cooled down rapidly after a heat wave, and the difference in temperature did not allow the leaves to change color properly…. Therefore, we were not able to fully enjoy the autumn foliage, but thanks to the snow, we were able to enjoy the odd sight of autumn leaves and snowy mountains from the summit of the mountain! There are only a limited number of one-day hikes in the Northern Alps, so we encourage everyone to try climbing them!

【Mt.Yakedake】A great view of the Northern Alps that can be enjoyed on a day trip! Yakidake, an active volcano with a billowing volcanic plume

Mt.Yake (elevation 2455 m), also called Io-Dake, is the only active volcano in the Northern Alps. Its beautiful appearance makes it one of Japan’s 100 most famous mountains. It is popular among beginners as it can be climbed on a day trip. From the summit, you can see the fumes from the lava mouths and beautiful volcanic lakes, making it an attractive mountain. The surrounding area is also home to a number of hot spring resorts. Visitors can recover from the fatigue of climbing at Shin Hotaka Onsen and Shirakone Onsen.

Climbing Route Introduction

▼ Date of climb.  
Early August 2023

▼ Climbing level
★★★★★ For beginner to intermediate climbers
The difficulty level varies depending on the climbing route, so climb according to your personal climbing level!
This time we are climbing by the Kamikochi route!
For beginners: Shinnakanoyu route (course time: about 6 hours)
For intermediate-level
climbers: Nakao Kogen Route (course time: approx. 8 hours)
For intermediate-level climbers: Kamikochi route (course time: approx. 8 hours)

▼Climbing schedule and routes
Climbing time 9 hours 20 minutes
05:50 Kappa Bridge
06:30 Mt. Yaki Kamikochi side trailhead
09:20 Yaki Hut
10:30 Yaki summit
11:30 Start of descent
14:00 Mt. Yaki Kamikochi trailhead
15:10 Kappa Bridge

*The Kamikochi route requires parking at the Sawando parking lot, so it is recommended to arrive at 5:00 in the morning.
*It is recommended that you bring gloves as it is quite an active climb with ladders and chains. (I didn’t bring my own gloves, and I published this article…)

Recommended Climbing Season

The climbing season for Yake-dake is from late May to late October. In the summer season, you can enjoy the lush Yake-dake with fresh greenery and blue skies, and in the fall, you can enjoy the carpet of colored leaves!

Points of Interest

Start climbing from Kappa Bridge, which commands a panoramic view of the Hotaka mountain range!

The green emerald “caldera lake” is very beautiful!

The 360-degree panoramic view of the Yari-Hotaka mountain range, the famous peaks of the Northern Alps such as Sasagatake and Norikura-dake, and the meandering Azusa River is superb!

Mountain Climbing Experience

This time we took the Kamikochi route, so we were able to enjoy a walk in Kamikochi and climb Mt.Yake! However, the climb from the Kamikochi route was steeper than I had expected, and the mountain path with ladders and chains and the jungle with thick vegetation made it tough, but the view from the summit blew it all away! From the summit of Yake-dake North Peak, we were able to enjoy the best 360-degree panoramic view of the Yari-Hotaka mountain range, famous mountains of the North Alps such as Sasagatake and Mt.Norikura, and the meandering Azusa River, which I highly recommend!

【Mt.Zigatake】You can go there on a day trip! Mt.Ziga for a beautiful ridge walk in the Northern Alps!

Mt.Ziga is a 2,670-meter-high mountain located in the southern part of the Hida Mountain Range and Mt.Ziga. It consists of three peaks: the North Peak (2,630 m above sea level), the Main Peak (central peak), and the South Peak (2,660 m above sea level). In spring, the snow shape of an old man sowing seeds can be seen, and this snow shape is said to be the origin of the name “Mt.Ziga. It has been selected as one of the Three Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan and One Hundred Famous Mountains of Flowers. The southeastern hillside of Shirasawa Tengu One is also home to Mountains.

Climbing Route Introduction

▼Date of climb  
Late August

▼ Climbing level
★★★☆☆ For intermediate climbers
If you are accustomed to mountaineering or have the stamina to walk for about 7 hours a day, you can climb the mountain, but basically, we recommend staying overnight at Taneike Sanso. Basically, we recommend staying overnight at Taneike Sanso.

▼Climbing schedule and route
Climbing time: 6 hours 50 minutes ★One-day climbing is possible
05:10 Kashiwabara-shindo trailhead
07:45 Taneike Sanso *Click here for information on Taneike Sanso
08:30 South peak of Mt.
08:50 Middle peak of Mt.
10:00 Taneike Sanso
〜Lunch time
10:50 Start descent
12:50 Kashiwabara-shindo trailhead

The parking lot near the trailhead is already crowded before 5:00 a.m. A 30-minute walk will take you to the dry river bed station, but we recommend you to be there around 4:30 a.m.
It takes about 15 minutes from Ogisawa Station to the Kashiwabara-shindo trailhead. Ogisawa Station is used for sightseeing in Kurobe Dam. Toilets and parking lots are available 24 hours a day, and vending machines are also available, so it is a good idea to park here.
*Even beginners can climb the mountain if they go on the assumption that they will stay overnight.

Points of Interest

360 degree panoramic view! You can see Kashima-Yari, Tateyama, Tsurugi, Hari-noki, Renge, and Yari-Hotaka in the distance!

It is a pleasant walk along the ridge line while enjoying the spectacular view!

A treasure trove of alpine flora! It is especially beautiful during the summer months!

Recommended Climbing Season

The snow accumulated in winter remains onMt.Ziga for some time after the summer. Therefore, from around July to mid-October is the best season to climb Mt. Furthermore, as Mt. Yatsugatake is one of the 100 most famous mountains for its flowers, alpine plants such as Chinguruma and Kobaikeiso are in full bloom in summer.

Mountain Climbing Experience

The first hour and a half or so of the climb was steep, and yes, it was a bit strenuous… but that’s mountaineering (laughs)! The ridge line leading from Tanaike Sanso to the south peak of Mt! Looking back, you can see Mt! Please try it!

【Mt.Ontakesan】 An active volcano that even beginners can climb! Enjoy the spectacular view from the 3,000m summit!

Ontake is a 3,067-meter active volcano that straddles Gifu and Nagano prefectures and is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan. It is the second highest freestanding mountain after Mt. Fuji. It is also famous as a mountain of faith, and Kunitsune-tachinomikoto, Okomikinomikoto, and Shohikonomikoto are enshrined in the inner shrine of Ontake Shrine. Shugendo (mountain asceticism) flourished here, and many climbers still visit the mountain today.

Climbing Route Introduction

▼Date of climb  
Early Sept.

▼ Climbing level
★★★☆☆ For beginner to intermediate climbers with experience

▼ Climbing schedule
Climbing time 5 hours (1 hour break)

06:00 Start climbing Tanohara trailhead
06:10 Ontake Jinja Ontake Shrine
07:00 8th station refuge hut
07:30 9th station refuge hut
07:50 Ontaki Summit
08:15 Mount Ontake (Kenga-mine)
08:53 Ontake (Triangle point)
09:20. 9th station refuge hut
10:10 8th station refuge hut
10:50 Ontake-jinja Shrine, Summit Okusha (Shrine at the back of the summit)
11:05 Tanohara trailhead

YAMAP account
Please visit us. Hiking Bear



・The parking lot at the 7th station, Tambara (2,180 meters), can hold more than 100 vehicles, so it is safe to arrive around 7:00 a.m.
・It is an active volcano, so be sure to check the climbing conditions beforehand.
・There are multiple climbing routes, so find the route that suits you best.

Recommended Climbing Season

It is from late May to late October. Fresh greenery is very beautiful during the summer season. It is also a popular climbing spot for autumn foliage.

Attraction Points

The second tallest of the independent peaks after Mt.Fuji!

A wide variety of climbing routes that allow you to choose the route that suits you best!

The view from the summit is vast, offering a panoramic view of the three Alps, the Chubu region, and the entire Kanto region!

Mountain Climbing Experience

Ontake, which can be enjoyed in a day trip of only 5 hours round trip, the mountain paths and the view from the summit were all excellent! It is very good to be able to climb the mountain in 5 hours when it would take more than 8 hours to climb a 3,000m class mountain in the Northern Alps. Fuji, but there are few steep climbs and it takes only 2 to 2.5 hours one way, and there are various climbing routes so you can choose the route that suits you best! It is also a good choice for beginners!

【Mt.Tsubakurodake】 Speaking of introductory mountain climbing in the Northern Alps! the queen of the Northern Alps with its beautiful ridge line!

Tsubakurodake is a 2,763-meter-high mountain in the Northern Alps, all of which belong to Nagano Prefecture. Tsubakurodake is one of the top 100 mountains in Japan and one of the top 100 new mountains in Japan. Tsubakurodake is also the starting point of the Omotegoza route to Yarigatake. It is a very popular mountain and highly recommended because of its very easy trails and great views!

Climbing Route Introduction

▼ Date of climb 
Early August 2020

▼ Climbing level
★★★☆☆☆ For intermediate hikers                                  
The trail is easy to climb, but there are many steps, and it is quite difficult to climb while carrying luggage for overnight stay in a tent.    
Beginners (if you have light clothing and the right mindset)

▼Climbing schedule
Climbing time: 8 hours 10 minutes  
Ascent: 5 hours 10 minutes  
05:20 Climbing begins at the Nakabusa Onsen entrance 
06:10 First bench - 06:50 Second bench - 07:30 Third bench  
08:10 Fujimi Bench
08:40 Gassen Hut 
10:00 Tsubakurodake Villa  
10:30 Summit of Tsubakurodake
Descent: 3 hours  
12:50 Start descent  
15:50 Descend 

・It is popular as one of the introductory courses to the Northern Alps, but it is tough unless you have experience in low mountains.
・In high season, the two free parking lots 1 and 2 near Nakabusa Onsen Hot Spring can hold 120 cars, but they fill up around 6:00 AM. There is a parking lot No. 3 about 200 meters down the road near Ariake-so that is reserved for mountain climbers.
・By train, a shared-ride bus (about 55 minutes, 1,700 yen) is convenient from Hotaka Station on the JR Oito Line to Nakabusa Onsen.

The view from the summit is vast and offers a panoramic view of the Alps!

A group of rock peaks spread out at the top of the mountain! Take a picture with Dolphin Rock!

You can enjoy walking along the beautiful ridges of the Northern Alps!

Recommended Climbing Season

Tsubakurodake, the snow accumulated in winter remains for some time after summer. Therefore, the best time to climb the mountain is from around July to mid-October. In summer, alpine flora such as Chinese bellflower and Chinese milk vetch are in full bloom.

Mountain Climbing Experience

It was my long-awaited debut in the Northern Alps! The weather was really great! Tsubakurodake is a 2,763-meter mountain located at the northernmost tip of the Hida Range in the Northern Alps, and is called the “Queen of the Northern Alps” and is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan! The contrast between the high pine trees and the granite makes for a very beautiful summit! It was really nice to walk along the ridge from Tsubakuro Sanso to Tsubakurodake! The Gosenno-one route is a bit unsuitable for beginners, but if you are a beginner with some mountaineering experience, this is a mountain you should definitely try.

Recommended Mountains

There are many other mountains, so please check them out here!

Mountaineering Preparation and Equipment

Before you begin climbing a mountain, it is important to select and prepare the proper equipment. Here is a checklist of essential items and how to choose climbing equipment such as climbing shoes and backpacks. We will also inform you about important but often forgotten items.

⛰ Clothing ⛰ 
Climbing shoes
Climbing shoes with good foot support and non-slip soles are required. Proper size and fit are important for a comfortable climbing experience.

Climbing clothes
T-shirt, shorts (or long tights if you don't want to get hit by grass), outdoor jacket, heavy socks
Hat, spare T-shirt *Adjust according to the season.

Mountaineering backpack:.
You will need a backpack large enough to hold the necessary equipment, food and drink, and warm clothing. Be sure to pay attention to the comfort and adjustability of the backpack.

Protective equipment
Head and limb protection such as helmets, gloves, and sunglasses are important to ensure your safety while climbing.

Warm clothing
In mountainous areas, temperatures can change rapidly, so it is important to have warm clothing. A fleece, down jacket, windproof and waterproof shell jacket, etc. are necessary.

Trekking poles
Trekking poles are useful to support balance on slopes and unstable terrain.

Mountaineering map application "YAMAP
Download a map of the mountain you will be climbing with the mountaineering map application "YAMAP" in advance. You can check your location with GPS even when you are offline.

⛰ Recommended items⛰.
First aid kit
Drink (This is important! You will need a liter! You need at least 1 liter.
Food - Onigiri rice balls and waders to eat on the way
Money (It's better to have cash since it's not electronic!)
Insect repellent (you don't have to bring any)
Tissues, wet wipes
Folding umbrella or umbrella
Hiking Bear