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HikingMountains in Yamanashi

【Mt.Chausu and Mt.Shimakare】Yatsugatake mountain climbing is recommended for beginners! Chausu and Mt. Shimagare with a spectacular view of the green carpet!

Located on Kita-Yatsugatake, this mountain is 2,384 meters above sea level. To the north of this mountain is Mt. Shimagare, famous for the Shimagare phenomenon. Shimagareyama (縞枯山) is famous for the Shimagare phenomenon. (Shimagare is a phenomenon in which subalpine coniferous forests die in bands that move slowly toward the summit of the mountain.) As a result, from a distance, the stripes appear white.

Climbing Route Introduction

▼Date of climb  
 Mid-August 2021

▼Climbing level  
For beginners! There are few steep parts and the trail is relatively easy to climb

 Climbing time 5 hours 40 minutes  
 5:50 Start climbing Mugiso Pass trailhead  
 7:30 Ascend Mt.  
 9:00 Ascend Mt.  
 10:30 Descend from the Mugikusa Pass trailhead

・The parking lot can hold about 30 cars, but it gets crowded quickly, so it is recommended to be there by 6:00 am.  
・There is a place to eat at the top.

Mountain Climbing Experience

I wanted to climb a mountain that wasn’t too hard, so here I am! I wanted to climb a mountain that wasn’t too hard, so here I am! You can climb up to about 2,000m at a time, so it takes less than 2 hours to get to the top, which is a good amount of time for a fun climb! It is very easy to climb with few steep parts, so even beginners can do it (there were many older people there…)! (There were many elderly people there!) You can enjoy the world of moss while climbing, even if you can’t see the view from the top. And the view from the top is spectacular, like a green carpet!

View from the trailhead to the summit

5:50 Mugiso Pass Trailhead
Sa! Start climbing!

This is Mugiso Hutte!

7:30 Summit of Mt!

I can see the Yatsugatake Mountains~! And a carpet of green!

A spectacular view! Chausu and Yatsugatake in the background!

9:00 Summit of Mt.
The summit was really hard to find.

Yatsugatake Recommended Mountains

There are many other recommended mountains in Yatsugatake, so please check them out here!

Mountaineering Preparation and Equipment

Before you begin climbing a mountain, it is important to select and prepare the proper equipment. Here is a checklist of essential items and how to choose climbing equipment such as climbing shoes and backpacks. We will also inform you about important but often forgotten items.

⛰ Clothing ⛰ 
Climbing shoes
Climbing shoes with good foot support and non-slip soles are required. Proper size and fit are important for a comfortable climbing experience.

Climbing clothes
T-shirt, shorts (or long tights if you don't want to get hit by grass), outdoor jacket, heavy socks
Hat, spare T-shirt *Adjust according to the season.

Mountaineering backpack:.
You will need a backpack large enough to hold the necessary equipment, food and drink, and warm clothing. Be sure to pay attention to the comfort and adjustability of the backpack.

Protective equipment
Head and limb protection such as helmets, gloves, and sunglasses are important to ensure your safety while climbing.

Warm clothing
In mountainous areas, temperatures can change rapidly, so it is important to have warm clothing. A fleece, down jacket, windproof and waterproof shell jacket, etc. are necessary.

Trekking poles
Trekking poles are useful to support balance on slopes and unstable terrain.

Mountaineering map application "YAMAP
Download a map of the mountain you will be climbing with the mountaineering map application "YAMAP" in advance. You can check your location with GPS even when you are offline.

⛰ Recommended items⛰.
First aid kit
Drink (This is important! You will need a liter! You need at least 1 liter.
Food - Onigiri rice balls and waders to eat on the way
Money (It's better to have cash since it's not electronic!)
Insect repellent (you don't have to bring any)
Tissues, wet wipes
Folding umbrella or umbrella
Hiking Bear