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HikingMountains in YamanashiMountains in Nagano

【Mt.Amigasa – Mt.Gongen】A spectacular view of the powerful and popular Yatsugatake Mountains awaits you. Yatsugatake recommended day trip mountain climbing!

Gongendake (elevation 2715 meters) is a mountain located on the south side of Yatsugatake. The view from the top of the mountain is of the popular Yatsugatake mountains such as “Amida-dake” and “Akadake” spread out before you! If the weather is clear, you can even see the Alps and Mt! Although it is possible to take a day trip, there are some ladders and chain-ladders, so it is recommended for experienced beginners to intermediate hikers. The traverse course to Akadake is for more advanced hikers. Hachigasa to Gongendake!


▼ Date of climb.  
Late May 2021

▼ Climbing level
★★★★★ For beginner to intermediate climbers with experience

▼Climbing schedule
07:35 Start climbing Kannon-daira trailhead
09:35 Climb to the summit of Mt. 
11:30 Youth hut
12:00 West and east gibboushi
13:00 Summit of Mt.
14:00 Mitsutsu-head
16:00 Descend Kannon-daira trailhead

The parking lot near the Kannon-daira trailhead was already full by 6:00 am. Depending on the climbing season, it is recommended to arrive at 5:30 am.

Recommended Climbing Season

It is from late May to late October. The view of fresh greenery in the summer season and the autumn leaves in the fall is said to be very beautiful, with the autumn leaves and the summit rock ridge starting in early September!

Points of Interest

From the summit of Gongendake and Mitsutashira, you can view the popular Yatsugatake mountains such as Akadake, Amidadake, and Hengasa. In good weather, you can even see the Northern Alps, Southern Alps, and Mt. In addition to the scenery, you can also enjoy active mountaineering using chain-ladders and ladders.

Mountain Climbing Experience

Hachikasa and descended via Mitsutogashira, it took us nearly 6.5 hours for the round trip, but we had a very enjoyable ascent because of the open basic conditions, chain-ladders, and ladders! After all, the panoramic view of “Akadake” and “Amidadake” from the summit was breathtaking! I hope everyone will enjoy the climb!

View from the trailhead to the summit

07:35 Start climbing Kannon-daira trailhead

At the beginning of the ascent, we walked along a gentle mountain path through the trees.

The last spurt toward the summit of Mt! The last part of the climb is a little steep, but don’t worry, it won’t last long!

09:35 Climb to the summit of Mt.
After about two hours of climbing, we reached the summit of Mt! The summit is open and a good place to take a rest! From Mt. Henkasa, the ridgelines of Mt. Gongen, Mt. Akadake, and Mt!

▼ Introduction to the view from Mt.

After passing through the high pine trees, Gongen-dake rises before your eyes!

11:30 Youth Hut
This hut is famous for its red lanterns of “distant drinkers” and is also a hut where overnight stays are available.

Here we go! From here, we will climb toward the summit of Mt!

East Gibboushi (left) and Mt. Gongen (right) from West Gibboushi

13:00 Summit of Mt. Gongen (elevation: 2715m)
After about 5.5 hours of climbing, we reached the summit of Mt! Look at this breathtaking view! The popular Yatsugatake mountains, from Akadake (Mt. Akadake) to Amidadake (Mt. Amida) and Tateshina (Mt. Tateshina), rise up before our eyes! Of course, you can also traverse up the mountain.

Gongendake has been revered since ancient times, and Shugenja (mountain ascetics) have also entered the mountain. A large rock tower rises at the summit and seems to have been an object of worship.

16:00 Descend from the Kannon-daira trailhead
We climbed Mt. Hengasa to Mt. Gongen in about 6.5 hours round trip!
It was a lot of fun!

To enjoy the spectacular view of Yatsugatake
Hachikasa and Gongen-dake, why not climb them?

Northern Alps Recommended Mountains

There are many other mountains in the Northern Alps that we recommend, so please check them out here!

Mountaineering Preparation and Equipment

Before you begin climbing a mountain, it is important to select and prepare the proper equipment. Here is a checklist of essential items and how to choose climbing equipment such as climbing shoes and backpacks. We will also inform you about important but often forgotten items.

⛰ Clothing ⛰ 
Climbing shoes
Climbing shoes with good foot support and non-slip soles are required. Proper size and fit are important for a comfortable climbing experience.

Climbing clothes
T-shirt, shorts (or long tights if you don't want to get hit by grass), outdoor jacket, heavy socks
Hat, spare T-shirt *Adjust according to the season.

Mountaineering backpack:.
You will need a backpack large enough to hold the necessary equipment, food and drink, and warm clothing. Be sure to pay attention to the comfort and adjustability of the backpack.

Protective equipment
Head and limb protection such as helmets, gloves, and sunglasses are important to ensure your safety while climbing.

Warm clothing
In mountainous areas, temperatures can change rapidly, so it is important to have warm clothing. A fleece, down jacket, windproof and waterproof shell jacket, etc. are necessary.

Trekking poles
Trekking poles are useful to support balance on slopes and unstable terrain.

Mountaineering map application "YAMAP
Download a map of the mountain you will be climbing with the mountaineering map application "YAMAP" in advance. You can check your location with GPS even when you are offline.

⛰ Recommended items⛰.
First aid kit
Drink (This is important! You will need a liter! You need at least 1 liter.
Food - Onigiri rice balls and waders to eat on the way
Money (It's better to have cash since it's not electronic!)
Insect repellent (you don't have to bring any)
Tissues, wet wipes
Folding umbrella or umbrella
Hiking Bear