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A trip to Yamagata: You can’t go wrong if you go here! Go on a trip to Yamagata to enjoy the elegant nature and delicious food!

Yamagata is a fascinating blend of natural beauty and rich culture. While you can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons, Yonezawa beef and cherries are well known, but the historical townscape, hot springs, Zao and Chokaisan are also great spots for hiking and skiing. Enjoy the charm of Yamagata while feeling the beauty of nature and the breath of culture~! Here are all the places in Yamagata that we have actually visited and enjoyed. From classic sightseeing spots to hole-in-the-wall spots, we will provide you with information that will allow you to fully enjoy the charms of Yamagata!

Course of travel (time required and distance)

Known as the land of snow, Yamagata Prefecture is surrounded by mountains such as the Ou Mountains, the Dewa Mountains, and the Asahi Mountains, and is rich in nature. This topography creates a variety of landscapes that add color to sightseeing in Yamagata!

1) Chokai-san Hokodate Observation Deck
    Travel time: 1 hour and 30 minutes (approx. 70 km)
2)Hagurosan Five-Story Pagoda 
    Travel time: 1 hour 30 minutes (Approx. 70 km)
3)Ginzan Onsen
    Travel time: 1 hour 30 minutes (Approx. 70 km)
4) Yamadera Temple
    Travel time: 1 hour 30 minutes (Approx. 70 km)
5) Zao no Mikama


Hiking Bere’s Travel Record

I traveled to Yamagata by camper! The first stop was the Hokodate Observatory on Mt. Chokaisan, where we had a beautiful view of the Sea of Japan and snow-covered Mt. Chokai and felt the grandeur of nature; the next stop was the five-story pagoda on Mt. Zao, at the final destination, I was impressed by the spectacular view created by nature! The food in Yamagata was also delicious! I was completely fascinated by the richness of nature, the depth of history, and the warmth of the people of Yamagata, and I would definitely like to visit this place again if I have the chance!

Chokai-san Hokodate Observatory” where visitors can enjoy magnificent nature

Chokai, which straddles Akita and Yamagata, is a beautiful stratovolcano composed of 2236-meter-high Shinzan and 2229-meter-high Nanatakayama. Rising from the Sea of Japan, it is also called “Dewa Fuji” or “Akita Fuji” and has long been revered by people. The mountain is attractive to climbers because of its rich alpine flora, the beautiful caldera lake “Chokai Lake”, and the spectacular view from the summit. The mountain trails are well maintained and some routes are relatively easy for beginners. Hokodate, the climbing base, has the Hokodate Observatory, which offers a panoramic view of Mt. Chokai, the Naso Valley, the Shonai Plain, and the Sea of Japan. We invite you to visit Mt. Chokai to fully enjoy its magnificent nature and historical culture.

Chokaisan Attractions

  • Magnificent nature can be enjoyed from Hokodate Observatory, which can be reached by car.
  • Well-maintained trails with easy climbing for beginners.
  • Alpine flora, caldera lakes, and spectacular views from the top of the mountain

Chokaisan Climbing Guide:

You can see the whole view of the summit of Mt! I went there in May, but it was still in the season of lingering snow!

You can also see the Sea of Japan! I am impressed by the strange sight of snow, sea and mountains! You have to come to the Sea of Japan side to see it!

We recommend the Chokai Blue Line, which offers a panoramic view of the magnificent Sea of Japan and the Shonai Plain!

The Chokai Blue Line is a 34.9 km mountain road that straddles Yamagata and Akita prefectures. It is popular as a scenic spot with panoramic views of the magnificent Sea of Japan and the Shonai Plain. The charm of the line is that you can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons, such as fresh greenery and autumn foliage, depending on the time of year you visit. The Hokodate Observatory, located at an altitude of 1,150 meters, is a recommended spot for its openness and unobstructed view of the sea and beyond! You will surely be impressed by the many spectacular views that appear one after the other!

Chokai Blue Line Attractions

  • Spectacular views of the magnificent Sea of Japan and the Shonai Plain
  • Enjoy the scenery of the four seasons, such as fresh greenery and autumn leaves
  • Many places of interest including Hokodate Observatory

The five-story pagoda on Mt. Hagurosan, a national treasure woven with mystery and history

The majestic five-story pagoda of Mt. Hagurosan, located in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, is a national treasure and was built in 1372, making it one of the oldest five-story pagodas in existence. The pagoda is about 29 meters high and has a persimmon-thatched roof. The beautiful appearance of the wooden structure blends in with the surrounding nature, creating a mysterious atmosphere. The five-story pagoda consists of five levels, each representing the Buddhist Five-Wisdom Buddha, and each level is said to have a different meaning.
The five-layer pagoda at Mt. Hagurosan is a precious place where visitors can enjoy history, culture, and nature at the same time. Please visit it and feel its majestic beauty!

Hagurosan Five-Story Pagoda Attractions

  • Historical value designated as a national treasure
  • One of the oldest existing five-story pagodas
  • Beautiful appearance with shingled roof and wooden structure
  • Mysterious atmosphere in harmony with nature
  • Five layers representing the five wisdom Buddhas.

Hagurosan official website:
The approach to the shrine is from Zuishinmon Gate, past the five-story pagoda, a national treasure, and further up to 2,446 steps. The number of stone steps is the highest in Japan for a Shinto shrine.

It is said to be the oldest pagoda in the northern Tohoku region and was founded by Taira no Shomon. The current pagoda is said to have been rebuilt about 600 years ago. It is a 29.0-meter-high, three-kimono, five-story wooden structure with a persimmon roof and was designated a national treasure in 1966!

Suga Falls.
This waterfall flows down across the Aurigawa River and the stone steps leading to the top of Mt. It is said to be a man-made waterfall formerly called “Fudodaki.

Giant Cedar “Yeasugi
This is a huge cedar “Ya-sugi”, 1000 years old and 10m in circumference. Seeing such a big tree makes me want to go to Yakushima.

Enjoy an extraordinary experience in Ginzan Onsen, a hot spring resort town with a touch of Taisho-romance!

Ginzan Onsen is a charming hot spring resort town with an atmosphere of Taisho romance. The wooden inns built during the Taisho period (1912-1926) line the streets of this spa town, creating the illusion of a time warp. At night, when the streets are lit by gas lamps, the atmosphere is magical and romantic.
The abundant hot spring water is mildly alkaline and gentle to the skin. Enjoying the hot spring in the open-air bath while listening to the murmur of the Ginzan River flowing through the hot spring resort will soothe your daily fatigue. In addition, there are souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy a stroll. Tasting the famous oshiruko (sweet red bean soup) and tamakonnyaku (a kind of konnyaku with sweetened bean curd) will surely make your trip unforgettable.
Ginzan Onsen is recommended for those who want to spend a relaxing time away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Why not refresh your body and soul in an extraordinary place?

Attractions of Ginzan Onsen

  • Fantastic and romantic atmosphere with a touch of Taisho Romanticism
  • Abundant hot spring water is mildly alkaline and gentle to the skin
  • Eat and walk around with delicious food such as the famous oshiruko and tamakonnyaku

Ginzan Onsen Official Website:

I especially recommend going during the snowy months of January and February! (I really wanted to go during this period, but the snow was so heavy that I had to give up). (I really wanted to visit at this time of year, but gave up because of the snow.) At dusk, the gas lamps in the city are lit, creating a nostalgic atmosphere that attracts people even more!

A moving experience of history, nature, and spectacular views at the “Sansenji Temple

The temple is located in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, and is officially called Hoshuzan Risshakuji Temple. The view from the Okunoin Temple, located at the top of the temple after climbing 1015 stone steps, is famous for its spectacular scenery. From the top of the temple, you can see the Yamagata Basin, the Zao Mountain Range, and as far as Mt. The fresh green in spring, the changing leaves in fall, and the snowy landscape in winter are especially spectacular. Yamadera has long been known as a sacred site of Shugendo (mountain asceticism), and there are many historical buildings in the mountains. Among them, Godaido (Godai-do Hall) has been designated a national treasure and is a sight to behold. It is one of the best sightseeing spots in Yamagata Prefecture, where you can enjoy history, nature and spectacular views at the same time. When you visit Yamagata, be sure to visit the Yamadera Temple.

Attractions of Yamadera

  • Spectacular view: The view of the Yamagata Basin, the Zao Mountain Range, and Mt.
  • History: Known as a sacred site of Shugendo since ancient times, Godaido and other historical buildings
  • Nature: Enjoy the scenery of each of the four seasons
  • Sense of accomplishment: The sense of accomplishment after climbing the 1015 stone steps is exceptional.

Official website of Yamadera:

This is Kaizando and Godaido! You have seen the view here before! This hall is dedicated to Jikaku Daishi, the founder of Risshakuji Temple. There is a wooden statue of Daishi, and food and incense are offered in the morning and evening. The small red hall on the rock is the Nokyo-do (Sutra Repository), where sutra manuscripts are stored, and is said to be the oldest building in the temple.
The Okunoin and Daibutsuden, located at the last stop, is said to be beneficial for breaking off bad relationships!

The Nemoto Chudo Hall is located right at the trailhead. It is the oldest beech-wood wooden structure in Japan and is designated as a National Important Cultural Property! Here you can see the immortal Dharma Lamp, which was lit on Mt. Hiei and divided to Risshaku-ji Temple, and vice versa when Enryaku-ji Temple was rebuilt after Oda Nobunaga burned down the temple! (You can enter from the right side of the money offering.)

The area is also known for the famous haiku “Okunohosomichi” written by Matsuo Basho, a well-known haiku poet, in which he wrote the famous poem “Kayasasaya (quietness), iwa ni shimiiru semi no koe (the sound of cicadas penetrating rocks)”!

Climb the 1015 stone steps to the Okunoin Temple! It is said that by climbing these stone steps, one’s troubles will be extinguished!

This is Amida Cave! The rain and wind over a long period of time have scraped the rocks and created the image of Amitabha Nyorai. It is said that happiness comes to those who can see the Buddha’s image!

This is the “Memorial Hall” where Emperor Taisho rested when he visited! It happened to be open to the public!

Here we are at the inner sanctuary! The main deity of the temple is said to be the Sakyamuni Buddha and the Taho Buddha, both of which were carried by the founder, Ennin, during his training in China!

Visit the mysterious emerald green “Zao no Mikama

Located in Zao, Yamagata Prefecture, Mikama is known for its beautiful scenery, especially among crater lakes. The emerald green surface of the lake creates a mysterious atmosphere, and the contrast with the surrounding desolate landscape is overwhelming. Visitors can take the Zao Ropeway to the top of the mountain and walk for about 10 minutes. The most attractive thing about Mikama is its beautiful scenery. The colors of the lake’s surface change with the weather and time of day, giving it a variety of different looks. The lake is especially special when illuminated by the morning sun, and the mysterious light on the surface of the lake is mesmerizing to behold. Visitors can enjoy various seasonal activities around Mikama, such as mountain climbing and hiking in the summer and tree ice viewing in the winter.

Attraction of Ogama

  • Mysterious emerald green lake surface that changes color depending on the weather and time of day
  • You can easily enjoy the magnificent nature by using the Zao Ropeway.
  • Visitors can enjoy various seasonal activities such as mountain climbing and hiking in the summer and tree ice viewing in the winter.

Zao’s cauldron is like a crater lake formed when a 400-meter-diameter explosion crater was created on the west side of the 1,674-meter-high Goshikidake mountain inside the outer rim, and water accumulated at the bottom of this crater!

You can take the ropeway up to the top of Mount Karitadake in less than 15 minutes! You may think that the summit is a hard climb, but it is not hard at all! The Zao mountain range, including Mt. Karitadake, was once feared as a fire-breathing mountain, and all natural phenomena were believed to be caused by the power of the gods.

If you have time, you should go there! Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Yamagata

Just like Totoro! Kosugi no Ougi,” a 1,000-year-old cedar

Kosugi no Oosugi, located in Salmon River Village, Yamagata Prefecture, is a natural cedar over 1,000 years old. Estimated to be 1,200 to 1,500 years old, it is known as the largest giant cedar in Yamagata Prefecture. It is about 30 meters tall, with a circumference of about 12 meters at its base, and its overwhelming presence is overwhelming to behold. The trunk is spread out in a mass-like shape, and its vitality inspires all who see it. Kosugi no Oosugi has long been called the “Cedar of Love,” the “Tree of Marriage,” and the “Tree of Fertility,” and is a popular place of power. There is a shrine at the base of the tree where many people visit and pray. Surrounded by a rural landscape, visitors can enjoy nature in a peaceful atmosphere. Kosugi no Oosugi is a recommended site for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and heal.


  • 113-2, Oaza-Magarukawa, Salmon River Village, Mogami-gun, Yamagata 999-5206, Japan
  • By train and bus: 50 minutes by bus from Tsuruoka Station on the JR Hetsu Main Line.
  • By car: 20 minutes by car from the Salmon River IC on the Yamagata Expressway

Visit the world’s largest jellyfish aquarium! Tsuruoka Kamo Aquarium

The Tsuruoka Kamo Aquarium is located in a scenic spot overlooking the Sea of Japan. Visitors can not only observe Yamagata’s abundant marine life up close, but also enjoy the “Jellyfish Dream Theater,” a 5-meter-diameter tank containing about 10,000 water jellyfish, the “Jellyfish Explanation Corner,” and the “See, Touch, and Learn. Discover and be amazed”. There are also many fun events such as dolphin shows and sea lion shows. It is a popular tourist destination for people of all ages, from families to couples.


  • By train and bus: 25 minutes by bus from Tsuruoka Station on the JR Hetsu Main Line
  • By car: 20 minutes by car from the Tsuruoka IC of Yamagata Expressway

reference information

Official Site:Kamo Aquarium, Tsuruoka City

You can see the Sea of Japan right next to the aquarium! It is more transparent than you might expect!

A hidden and spectacular spot in the forest! Visit the beautiful nature of Kijiyama Dam

This prefectural dam was constructed on the upper reaches of the main stream of the Okishino River for flood control, power generation, and water for agriculture. Completed in 1960, the dam is 46 meters high and 168.2 meters long. Although small in scale, this dam has an unusual hollow concrete gravity structure. Zao Dam and this dam are the only two dams in the prefecture. The dam’s lake fills with cool, clear water, providing a spectacular vantage point from which to view the mountain range of Mt. Shukubei, known as the Matterhorn of Tohoku. The lake water is also fed into the Nogawa No. 2 power plant and used to generate electricity. The scenery is even more beautiful during the fall foliage season.


  • It is recommended to go by car.
    50 minutes drive from Nagai Station, 1 hour and 50 minutes drive from Yamagata Zao I.C.

reference information

Official Site:Kijiyama Dam

Dezio Monjyudo, where about 2,500 beautiful hydrangea plants are in full bloom.

From late June to mid-July each year, about 2,500 hydrangea plants of about 40 varieties are in full bloom at the temple, which is also known as the Hydrangea Temple. The driveway to the temple is 515 meters long, and visitors are attracted by the variety of shades of blue and purple hydrangeas. The temple also attracts visitors to the annual “Murakizawa Hydrangea Festival” with events such as the lighting of the flowers.


  • By train: 30 minutes by car from JR Yamagata Station
  • By car: 15 minutes from Yamagata Chuo IC on Tohoku Chuo Expressway

reference information

Official Site:Dezio Monjyudo / Ajisai-do

The “Sawaradaira Rice Terraces,” an original Japanese landscape selected as one of the 100 best terraced rice paddies.

Kunugidaira terraced rice fields in Asahi-cho, Nishimurayama-gun, Yamagata Prefecture, are beautiful terraced rice fields that preserve the original Japanese landscape. The approximately 2,000 rice paddies are spread out in a fan shape, and the view of the sky and mountains reflected in the rice paddies is breathtaking.


  • By car: 1 hour and 30 minutes from Yamagata Kita IC of Tohoku Expressway
  • By train: Approximately 1 hour by bus from Hagohonjo Station on the JR Hetsu Honsen Line

reference information

Official Site:Terraced Paddy Fields of Sawaradaira


Chinese Soba Noodles Kotono

The ramen here was very good! I had heard that it was very popular and crowded, but I went at 1:00 p.m. and was able to get in within 20 minutes due to good timing. We were able to park 8 cars in front of the restaurant. The people at the store were nice and the atmosphere of the local store was great! There were a lot of autographs, so it seems to be a very popular restaurant that gets a lot of press coverage. (Inside the restaurant, there are 4 small tables, 8 counter seats, and 1 table.)

Beautiful scenery seen in Yamagata

Yamagata’s elegant nature is so beautiful even on a casual street – it’s fun just to look outside when you come to a new place or to nature for the first time! Here are some photo spots along the way!

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Click here 

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I’ve put together a video of my trip.


Chokodate Observatory on Mt. Chokaisan, where we had a beautiful view of the Japan Sea and snow-covered Mt. Chokaisan and felt the grandeur of nature; the five-story pagoda on Mt. Haguro, which we visited next; the Taisho-roman hot spring resort town of Ginzan Onsen, where the night view was fantastic; and the view from the top of the 1015 stone steps of Sanji Temple, which was truly spectacular, At the final destination, Zao, I was impressed by the spectacular view created by nature! The food in Yamagata was also delicious! I hope you will visit Yamagata and enjoy the richness of nature, the depth of history, and the warmth of the people!

Hiking Bear