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HikingMountains in Nagano未分類

【Mt. Gaki】Mountain climbing in the North Alps for intermediate and advanced climbers! Gakidake, a mountain with a jungle trail leading up to it, is now a challenge!

Mt.Gaki is a 2,647-meter-high mountain in the Northern Alps. All of the mountains belong to Nagano Prefecture and have been selected as one of the top 100 mountains in Japan. The difference in elevation from the trailhead to the summit is about 1,600 meters, and the mountain trail is not well maintained and steep, so not many people visit.

Climbing Route Introduction

▼ Date of climb.
 Early July 2021

▼ Climbing level
For intermediate and above
The trail to the top is long, steep, and difficult for beginners, with some jungle-like animal trails.
It is recommended that intermediate level climbers and above climb it! 

Climbing time Approximately 12 hours
 07:40 Start climbing Shirasawa trailhead
 11:12 Mt.
 13:15 Gakidake hut
 14:10 Ascend Mt.
 14:40 Start descent  
 16:00 Mt.
 19:30 Descend Shirasawa trailhead

・Parking lot can hold about 20 cars.
・One-day trip is quite hard, so if you are not confident about your physical strength, we recommend two days and one night.
・The footholds are quite bad, so you may not want to go the day after it rains.
・You will be climbing a lot of rocky terrain and ladders, so gloves are a good idea. Also, it is a jungle trail, so long sleeves and long pants are recommended.

Recommended Climbing Season

The best time to visit Mt. Gaki is from June to September. The weather is relatively stable in the mountainous areas. In the alpine areas, snow melts and climbing routes are often open. However, summer mountaineering requires caution during the heat of the day, and temperatures vary widely in the mountains at different altitudes, so it is important to manage equipment and physical fitness.

Mountain Climbing Experience

This time I climbed Mt. Gaki! I found this mountain by doing something like “open Google Maps -> zoom in on the area around the North Alps -> find the name of the mountain! (lol) So there were very few climbers on the mountain…. To be honest, it was quite a hard climb even for me, who is confident in my physical strength. I would only recommend this mountain to intermediate or advanced climbers…. Beginners probably won’t come back (for a day trip). There were some dangerous footholds and rocky terrain along the way, and we had to wade through ladders and jungle paths! But the steep climb after the halfway point was too long and hard (laughs). But the view from the top at the end of the climb was spectacular! It was also nice that there were not many other climbers! I think the best way to experience that feeling of excitement is to climb a mountain in Japan, not overseas!

View from the trailhead to the summit

07:40 Shirasawa trailhead
We started climbing the mountain! At that time, we had no way of knowing the hell that awaited us ahead…
There was parking space for about 20 cars, and toilets were provided.

The flat path along a beautiful stream makes for a cool and enjoyable walk in this area.

After 40 minutes of climbing, you will be climbing steeply using ladders and chains. Be careful not to slip!

If you slip, you will fall…. My friend was a little dangerous. (If you’re curious, watch the video)

08:55 Fish Stop Waterfall
An hour and a bit after we started climbing, a waterfall appeared!

09:00 Fish Stop Waterfall
Steep climbs start here and there.

Many alpine plants are in bloom.

We took a break in the cold river and washed our faces to refresh ourselves!

10:00 Steep climb up the mountain
Climbing steeply through the grass. It really was a jungle.

11:12 Summit of Mt.
It was long and hard from here to the Gakkidake hut….

13:15 Gakidake Hut
We finally arrived at the hut!

14:10 Summit of Mt.
It has been a really long day so far. Thank you for your hard work!

For those for whom ordinary mountain trails are not enough
Please try Mt! Please challenge Mt!

Northern Alps Recommended Mountains

There are many other mountains in the Northern Alps that we recommend, so please check them out here!

Mountaineering Preparation and Equipment

Before you begin climbing a mountain, it is important to select and prepare the proper equipment. Here is a checklist of essential items and how to choose climbing equipment such as climbing shoes and backpacks. We will also inform you about important but often forgotten items.

⛰ Clothing ⛰ 
Climbing shoes
Climbing shoes with good foot support and non-slip soles are required. Proper size and fit are important for a comfortable climbing experience.

Climbing clothes
T-shirt, shorts (or long tights if you don't want to get hit by grass), outdoor jacket, heavy socks
Hat, spare T-shirt *Adjust according to the season.

Mountaineering backpack:.
You will need a backpack large enough to hold the necessary equipment, food and drink, and warm clothing. Be sure to pay attention to the comfort and adjustability of the backpack.

Protective equipment
Head and limb protection such as helmets, gloves, and sunglasses are important to ensure your safety while climbing.

Warm clothing
In mountainous areas, temperatures can change rapidly, so it is important to have warm clothing. A fleece, down jacket, windproof and waterproof shell jacket, etc. are necessary.

Trekking poles
Trekking poles are useful to support balance on slopes and unstable terrain.

Mountaineering map application "YAMAP
Download a map of the mountain you will be climbing with the mountaineering map application "YAMAP" in advance. You can check your location with GPS even when you are offline.

⛰ Recommended items⛰.
First aid kit
Drink (This is important! You will need a liter! You need at least 1 liter.
Food - Onigiri rice balls and waders to eat on the way
Money (It's better to have cash since it's not electronic!)
Insect repellent (you don't have to bring any)
Tissues, wet wipes
Folding umbrella or umbrella
Hiking Bear